OpenDIMS FAQ2024-02-28T09:34:05+01:00

Questions and answers

Frequently asked questions

Below you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions about OpenDIMS, features, payment and other questions.

What makes OpenDIMS better than other PIM systems?2016-02-28T18:05:52+01:00

OpenDIMS is not just a PIM system. OpenDIMS is a “Data Information Management System”.

OpenDIMS offers you a single platform where you can quickly and highly flexibly gather all your product data (a PIM system), tailored to fit your business perfectly. With the ability to create overviews, filter and manage channels, you can easily share these with your customers and suppliers. OpenDIMS is intuitive to navigate and gives you the overview you need. You can create your own customized overviews that you can filter according to your preferences. Product export to your webshop(s) and other sales channels is an easy process.

Images and other large files can be saved as assets in OpenDIMS and used wherever you need them, such as assembly instructions, 300 dpi images, PDF catalogs, certificates, and more. Files are organized in a folder structure, making it easy for you to find them quickly.

What is the price to get started with OpenDIMS?2016-02-28T17:59:02+01:00

What the price is for you and your business depends on several things:

  • number of gadgets you need (e.g. 45,000 part numbers),
  • number of users
  • wishes for the system

Luckily, we’ve made it incredibly simple for you to figure out what your price is:

There is a start-up fee (OnBoarding), which depends on the package you choose + we charge per month.

How do I get in touch with support?2016-02-28T17:57:11+01:00

It’s pretty easy: call Torben on +45 2750 7430 or send an email to and you’ll receive a ticket number

Can OpenDIMS send products to my online shop?2016-02-28T00:31:42+01:00

Yes, OpenDIMS can do this out of the box for e.g. Dandomain hosted shop, Dandomain Classic, Shopify and WooCommerce. If you have a shop other than those mentioned, you can contact our Sales department for a quote for integration to your shop.

Can I get a demo before I buy OpenDIMS?2016-02-28T00:29:55+01:00

Yes, you can.

We know what business critical means

OpenDIMS is the perfect choice when it comes to organizing data

Your data is the most important thing in your organization and it’s not to be taken lightly; it’s the key to your business, the thing that ties everything together and is business critical to you. Without data, you are nothing. We understand this at OpenSUN and with OpenDIMS we secure your data because we know what business-critical means. You decide the level of security – instant backup for 24 hours, backup for x number of days/weeks, export to external servers… it’s your data, so you decide what happens to it… we just help you keep track of it in one place – your SPOT… Single Point Of Truth.

Selected references

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